BC Children's Hospital's operating rooms (ORs) are the only dedicated pediatric ORs in British Columbia.
The ORs include a wide number of specialty services, including a cardiac nursing team and a spine team. Our 24-hour OR provides the best possible surgical care to all children in British Columbia, as well as children from other provinces and territories in western Canada.
ORs are open Monday to Friday, and most nurses work from 7:30 a.m. – 3:45 p.m., with smaller evening and night shift teams providing coverage from 3:30 p.m. onwards. 24-hour coverage is provided seven days a week.
Services we provide include: trauma surgery, scoliosis surgery, a cardiac program featuring a heart transplant program, ENT, dental, orthopedic, plastics, neurosurgery, pediatric surgery, urology, gynecology, and ophthalmology.