Focused occupational, physical, speech and language therapy may be recommended to support your child's development . These types of therapies are available through different early childhood intervention programs. The
BC Government website offers an overview of what these programs are. Your family doctor, pediatrician, or public health nurse can advise on how to access them in your local area.
School aged children (kindergarten onwards) can access therapy supports
from the school aged therapy program as well. Availability of access varies between school districts and parents should contact their child's school for more information.
Private services for occupational, physical, speech, and language therapy are also available throughout the province for a fee typically paid out of pocket. However, supports are available in the form of grants from charities and extended benefits from employers.
Children with Indigenous heritage may be eligible for funding via Jordan's Principle.
Jordan's Principle is a federal program to ensure First Nations children get the services they need when they need them.
To submit a request for services through Jordan's Principle, call: 1-855-JP-CHILD (1-855-572-4453) or visit If you have any difficulties accessing services through Jordan's Principle, please contact your provincial child advocate or ombudsperson or the 24-hour Jordan's Principle line (above).
To find a private Speech & Language Pathologist, Occupational Therapist, Physiotherapist or Psychologist: