Every year, teams and individuals at BC Children's Hospital are recognized by their colleagues for the great work that they do through two awards programs: the Interprofessional Collaborative Practice & Education Awards and Nursing Excellence Awards. 2020 was a particularly challenging year, and it is an honor to acknowledge the exceptional work of the staff at BC Children's Hospital during these tough times.
Watch the virtual ceremony of the 2020 Interprofessional Collaborative Practice & Education Awards and Nursing Excellence Awards.
The BC Children's Kelty Mental Health Resource Centre podcast is titled, Where You Are.
"We celebrate our collaborations with the incredible parents, caregivers, and health professionals who come together to share their time, expertise and lived experience with us. This mental health resource addresses stigma and offers practical tips that can help other BC families walking a similar journey." - Michelle Horn, program manager, Kelty Mental Health Resource Centre
The Provincial Mental Health Metabolic Program actively includes patients and caregivers in every step of the clinic process to maximize participation in their own care.
"The Simulation team is comprised of an inter-professional team striving, through simulation based educational activities, to maximize team and systems functioning for measurable quality patient outcomes. It is an honour to be recognized and supported in our vision." - Elena Felgar, senior leader, Clinical Education, New Knowledge & Innovation
The NEWS team actively sought out, integrated and valued perspectives from parents. Team members interviewed parents about their experiences of care of their baby when they had concerns about the baby's condition or when the baby's condition was deteriorating.
"Winning this award is a career highlight! Working with teams and providing dynamic multidisciplinary care drew me to the hospital setting and continues to inspire me today." - Elizabeth Stanford
Kathleen became an expert in the Biochemical Diseases Clinic for children with Glycogen Storage Disease establishing medical guidelines, admission and emergency protocols leading to improved clinical outcomes for these children.
"The most important thing to me as nurse has been the relationships I have formed with those we care for and their families. I was fortunate enough to have mentors throughout my career who modeled that for me. This recognition, to me, is about all the amazing nurses I have met and worked with throughout my career." - Salina Sachedina
"I am very grateful for the recognition of the work that I do every day. Receiving the award validates that what I am doing does make a difference in the lives of the children and families we care for." - Marg Turik
"Taking those few extra moments each day to get to know our patients and their families can allow us to better provide support for all the struggles they are facing, and keep them smiling throughout their time with us." Amanda Marzitelli
"The most important thing for me in providing good quality patient care is identifying what truly matters to the people I care for. Staying focused on facilitating safety and bringing positive changes in patients' health outcomes, ultimately improves healthcare system experiences." Laura Vicol
"I am honoured to receive this award to acknowledge the research for my Doctorate in Nursing Practice (DNP) and for mentoring other NPs in research/QI activities. I am grateful to play a small role to further enhance family-centred care through research and for all of the support from the multidisciplinary team at BCCH Allergy clinic and my NP mentor." - Chantel Canessa