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Evoked Potentials (EP)

These tests are the visual evoked potentials (VEP), the brainstem auditory evoked potentials (BAER) and the somatosensory evoked potentials (SEP)

Visual Evoked Potentials (VEP)

This test records the response of the brain’s visual centre to a checkerboard picture or flashing light.

This test checks the visual pathway and ensures that the brain is receiving information about what your child's eyes see.


It is important that your child is awake and alert for this test. Please make sure they have a good sleep the night before and a nap before the test if this is part of their normal routine. Do not sleep deprive them.

If your child is also having an EEG test during this appointment, please do not follow the sleep deprivation instructions.

All children must have clean, dry hair (no gel, hairspray or oil).

Children who wear glasses or contact lenses should wear these during the test.

During the test

The test will take 60-90 minutes. 

There are two different types of VEPs: Flash and Pattern. Each is set up differently, the technologist will let you know which test your child has been referred for.

Flash VEP

  • There are 26 electrodes that will be attached to your child's head. It is important that the child can lay still for this part of the test.
  • Your child will need to watch a strobe light that flashes a while light about once every second.
  • A computer registers the electrical signals from the brain during this time. 
  • In some instances your child will be asked to place a patch over one eye to record the brain's response from each eye separately.

Pattern VEP

  • There are 6 electrodes that will be attached to your child's head.
  • Your child will sit in a chair in front of a screen that has a black and white checkerboard pattern.
  • A patch will be placed over one eye and the brain's response from each eye will be recorded separately.

After the test

Once the VEP test is finished, the electrodes will be removed with warm water. You can wash your child's hair with shampoo at home if there is still some paste left.

Your results will be given to you by the doctor who ordered the test for you.


Brainstem Auditory Evoked Potentials (BAER)

This test records how long it takes for sound to travel from the ear to the brainstem.

This test does NOT test how well your child hears.

Earplugs or headphones deliver a clicking sound to each ear.


Your child MUST be sleep deprived the night before the BAER. See instructions for sleep deprivation

Some children may be sedated for this test as it is very important for them to lie still. See instructions for sedation. You will be contacted by our sedation nursing team if your child will be receiving sedation.

All children must have clean, dry hair (no gel, hairspray or oil).

During the test

The test will take 60-90 minutes.

  • 4 electrodes will be attached to the top of your child's head (two on top of the head and one on each earlobe).
  • Small foam earpieces are placed in each ear.
  • Each ear is tested separately - there will be a small clicking sound in the ear being tested, and a "whooshing" sound in the other ear.

After the test

Once the BAER test is finished, the electrodes will be removed with warm water. You can wash your child's hair with shampoo at home if there is still some paste left.

Your results will be given to you by the doctor who ordered the test for you.


Somatosensory Evoked Potentials (SEP) 

This test checks how well the spinal cord conducts a message from the arms and legs to the brain.

Your child will feel a 'tingling' sensation, or their big toe or thumb might twitch. This does not hurt but may feel uncomfortable.


Your child MUST be sleep deprived the night before the SEP. See instructions for sleep deprivation

Some children are sedated for this test as it is very important for them to lie still. See instructions for sedation.

All children must have clean, dry hair (no gel, hairspray or oil).

Your child should wear loose-fitting clothing that can easily be pulled up over elbows and knees (a t-shirt and shorts/track pants work best).

During the test

The test will take 90 minutes - 2 hours.

The technologist will apply electrode stickers to:
  • the inside of the ankles
  • on the side and behind the knees
  • two on the back
  • one on either collarbone
  • two on the inside of each wrist
  • one at the back of the neck
Four electrodes will be attached to the top of your child's head.

During the test, your child will feel a tingling sensation which will cause the thumbs and toes to twitch.

After the test

Once the SEP test is finished, the head electrodes will be removed with warm water. You can wash your child's hair with shampoo at home if there is still some paste left. The electrode stickers will be removed with an alcohol wipe.

Your results will be given to you by the doctor who ordered the test for you.

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SOURCE: Evoked Potentials (EP) ( )
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