Core concepts

BC Children’s Hospital upholds the importance of patients and their supporters as partners on the health care team.
The core concepts of patient & family centred care at BC Children’s Hospital include:
Family strengths
We support and empower family members and core supporters as partners and decision makers in care.
Patient and family-centred care strives to achieve mutual trust and respect, including respect for values, beliefs, and religious and cultural backgrounds. We value families and patient’s choices, knowledge and authority as decision-makers.
We provide the information needed to enable informed decisions about treatment and care and are open to varied views and choices.
Information sharing
Staff and Providers provide any relevant or applicable information about care planning, treatment options, strategies and resources. Information exchange builds trust and contributes to the partnership between supporters and providers.
We support families and patients by respecting their decisions; offering comfort as they cope with illness; meeting the social, developmental and emotional needs of the patient as appropriate; and fostering family members' confidence in their ability to care for their child at home.
Patients and their supporters bring different perspectives and lived experiences, to the care setting. Patient and Family-centred care emphasizes flexibility, openness and inclusion to hear needs and preferences of all served.
As partners in care, professional staff and family members work together as collaborators to achieve the best patient outcome.
Families have the right and the authority to care for their children. The core concepts of family-centred care empower families.