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Feeding & Nutrition

Our team sees children with complex feeding and swallowing problems.
Your team

Who we are:

Child eating pureed peas

We provide interdisciplinary feeding and swallowing assessment and consultation for children up to age 19 who have neuromotor and developmental impairment with concerns regarding feeding and swallowing safety.

  • Is my child safe to eat and drink (coughing or choking all the time, frequently sick, aspirating
  • What are the best consistency of foods/types of fluids for my child to eat and drink
  • What are the safest ways for my child to get their food/fluids/medications
  • What are the best positions for my child to eat or drink in
  • Is my child meeting their nutritional needs
  • Is my child growing adequately?
  • Does my child require an alternate way to meet nutritional needs (e.g. a gastrostomy tube)

Our team consists of:

  • Developmental pediatricians
  • Nurses
  • Speech and language pathologists
  • Occupational therapists
  • Dietitians
  • Access to social workers
  • Access to interpreters

Assessment and consultation may include:

  • Medical/nursing assessment
  • Oral motor evaluation and videofluoroscopic swallow study
  • Nutritional assessment

Criteria: (who we see)

  • Up to age 19 in the province of BC
  • Neuromotor or developmental impairment (i.e. cerebral palsy, Lennox-Gastaut Syndrome, brain injury)
  • Concern for safety of swallow (risk of aspiration, risk of choking)
  • Nutritional concerns

Exclusion criteria:

  • Typically developing, picky eating or selective eating with consistent growth
  • Questions regarding progression of feeding where there is no safety question
  • Feeding difficulties primarily related to sensory or mental health issues (e.g., ARFID, eating disorders, trauma/PTSD who require ongoing support for those issues)

Nutritional support:

We also provide nutritional support for patients with neuromotor disorders who are not currently followed by a registered dietitian and who meet one or more of the following criteria:

  • Multiple co-morbidities or involvement of multiple medical or therapeutic subspecialties at BC Children's Hospital that does not have a dietitian
  • Significant positioning, mobility needs (e.g. cerebral palsy)
  • Movement disorders/tone that impact swallowing
  • Inability to be supported by community registered dietitian (e.g. requires special growth measurement techniques or equipment such as ceiling lift or knee height calipers)
  • Malnutrition, stagnant or poor growth or inability to meet nutritional needs
  • Failure to thrive as defined by a downward change in growth by two or more percentiles
  • Weight divergence as defined by a crossing of percentiles in either direction
    • Note: Sunny Hill registered dietitians do not follow for weight management
  • Tube feed support (no community registered dietitian support available)

Your appointment

Feeding and swallowing consultation information appointments are scheduled over a two day period, usually on a Monday/Tuesday or Wednesday/Thursday.

Oral motor evaluation

silver baby spoonThe occupational therapist and speech-language pathologist will talk to you about your concerns about your child's eating and drinking. They will look in your child's mouth and will watch your child eating and drinking.

Bring the following to the appointment:

  • a small variety of foods that your child likes and/or is having particular feeding difficulties with, such as a puree, a soft food, lumpy food, chewing and biting foods (regular foods), and liquids
  • any feeding equipment your child regularly uses for meals, such as nipple and bottle, cup, spoon
  • positioning equipment (infant seat, seat insert, wheelchair, etc.)

Please try to have your child slightly hungry for the evaluation.

Nutrition evaluation with a dietitian

You will receive food intake records before you come for your child's evaluation. Please fill them in and bring them to the appointment. The dietitian will use the information from these records to help determine if your child's nutritional needs are being met. If your child is using a tube, the dietitian will review his or her tube feeding meal plan. The dietitian will weigh your child and take some measurements to help us know how your child is growing.

Health evaluation

The nurse and/or pediatrician reviews your child's medical history to see if the feeding difficulties are having an effect on his or her health and development. We will ask questions about your child's breathing and/or chest problems, reflux and digestion, muscle tone, and general development.

Videofluoroscopy study (feeding study)

If we are concerned that your child has a problem with his or her swallowing, we will recommend a feeding study. This study occurs in the Radiology Department at BC Children's Hospital with the occupational therapist and the speech-language pathologist from Sunny Hill along with a radiologist. This study involves using a type of x-ray (fluoroscopy) to watch as your child swallows various consistencies of foods and liquids mixed with barium. Your child will be positioned normally using a special adjustable chair.

The study allows us to see how your child manages the food in his or her mouth, whether he or she has any difficulty with swallowing, whether he or she has any food material entering his or her airway (aspiration) and whether we can use techniques such as changing their position or the consistency of their food to help them swallow in a safer manner.

The appointment time, including set-up, may take up to an hour. Exposure time to x-ray is kept as short as possible.

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